Creating a labor schedule is a key engineering step in your production planning cycle. Given your multiple products and deadlines over multiple shifts, days or weeks and given the volatility of any pool of labor resources, can your production plans be completed on time? Whether work orders are created in QAD, SAP or Preactor, now… Read more »
Posts Tagged: Automated Labor Schedule
Labor Scheduling Best Practices / Past Practices
What are the “Best Practices” (BP) for workforce scheduling? Most managers in operations and HR would like to see these documented. But what is BP? BP is a method, process, or activity, which conventional wisdom regards as more effective at delivering a particular outcome than any other method, process, etc. when applied to, in this… Read more »
Skills Inventory = Institutional Knowledge
An Automated Labor Scheduling (ALS) solution is only as good as the data it uses and here’s the data we’re going to need. There are five different types of data: 1. Production Plans 2. Jobs 3. Employees 4. Absences 5. Skills Inventory Although there’s more to be covered, Production Plans are addressed in our blog… Read more »