Companies in a range of industries that operate for extended hours use combinations of multiple shifts and on-off work patterns to crew their operations in an optimal manner. These shift patterns often include rotating shift work schedules where crews may rotate from one shift to the next or work on shifts with different start days for a pattern of weeks over extended calendar periods. When designed properly, rotating shift schedules becomes a very powerful tool for distributing labor demand while minimizing costs and equalizing employee satisfaction. Rotating shift work schedules proves to be very beneficial to companies. The impact of working non-standard times can be distributed amongst the entire workforce as all crews take equal turns at covering the undesirable shifts. Continuous operation allows companies to eliminate costly startups and shutdowns.
When it comes to administering employee shift scheduling in these new dynamic environments, rotating shift schedules brings a new set of labor resource management challenges. Tugboat Software’s rotating shift scheduler is ideal when creating schedules for a large workforce in operations which use rotating shifts. It was developed specifically for defining and managing concurrent work plans for crews on shifts with combinations of on-off work patterns.
Employee Shift Scheduling Software Saves You Time and Money!
Tugboat’s employee shift scheduling software defines and manages concurrent work plans for crews on combinations of shifts with 8, 10 or 12 hour lengths, fixed or staggered, and with various on-off work patterns. Slow, rapid, oscillating or partial rotation schedules and combinations of these are supported.
Tugboat’s shift scheduling software simplifies the management of shift rotation systems by automating the entire process, making the crew scheduling easier to view and report, regardless of how complex the mix of shifts. Managers are better able to predict their available resources and their administration costs drop when they have tools for making better-informed decisions. In addition, employee satisfaction improves with better predictability and by eliminating human errors.
Tugboat’s employee shift scheduling software uniquely leverages the benefits of your optimized shift rotation program by integrating it with a comprehensive labor scheduling application, which includes skills inventory management, leave management, vacation scheduling, alerts and an employee self-service interface.
Learn how Tugboat’s employee shift scheduling software can help save your company time and money. Contact us today. Our experts are ready to help!