October 2007 Roundtable v10.1B03 OpenEdge Version Compatibility ------------------------------ Roundtable 10.1B will only run with OpenEdge 10.1B or greater. The Roundtable Repository database must be OpenEdge Database Server v9 or higher. Issues addressed and changes from 10.1B02 to 10.1B03 ---------------------------------------------------- Task# Summary / Detail --------- -------------------------------------------------- 3335 Xref - Error on table references containing 'property' When processing a REFERENCE reference for a table with "property" in the name, the xref routine mistakes it for a reference to an object property, causing an "ENTRY out of range" error, since the syntax for a table does not match that of an object property. 3336 Internal - 'No Record is Avail' in rtb_fileloadwrite.p rtb_fileloadwrite:load_file_from_tt is throwing 'no record is available' errors in the appserver log. 3339 Internal - SQL Width Changes / Schema Update SQL Width changes do not affect a schema update build. 3340 Compile - Propath Compilation Issues The PROPATH is not reset after compilation if PROPATH element does not exist. The PROPATH incorrectly includes task-path prior to xref processing. 3343 Compile - Missing 'compileObject' Event The 'compileObject' event is not being published after a server-side compilation. 3344 Compile - FileNotFoundException in Plug-in A FileNotFoundException is being generated in the RTB plug-in when attempting to access Xref file after compile. This happens because when compiling with xref, T(ask) compile records specify xref files, even though the XREF option is not specified in the compile parameters. 3346 Compile - HTML Compilation Error When running Roundtable in an appserver configuration, a file not found error is being generated when attempting to compile an HTML object. 3350 Compile - Connection Error Reporting Attempt to optimize db connections to improve performance by reducing the number of reconnects. 3354 Share Status - Update Status Not Properly Set When changing the share status from task to central, the update status is not being set to "M". 3357 Tabletop - Remove Schema not Working The Tabletop is not passing a valid ROWID when calling the remove schema window. 3359 Internal - Errors in Object Library not Returned In some instances, the object super library is not returning error messages to the client. 3361 Internal - Error on delete of field assignment When removing a field assignment using the Schema Manager, the following error appears after confirming the deletion: ** Brtb_xref record not on file. (138) 3363 Compile - Selective Compile Log is Truncated The selective compile log is being truncated if both xref and compilation errors are encountered. 3366 Partner Sites - New Pmods Not Sourced Except for the receipt workspace, new product modules are not being added as sources to workspaces that are sourcing the parent product. 3373 Internal - Physical Part Names Issues Due to a previous "correction", fnRtbGetVersionParts does not return parts if the parts-used for the given version is NO. This causes inaccurices in the physical names table. 3374 Tabletop - Enable Compile Button When Remote Since the compilations always happen on the server when running in an AppServer setup, we were disabling the compile button if an object was checked-out to task directory. However, the task directory may actually be accessible by the appserver. So, we will enable the compile button so that users can compile task directory objects when running in an appserver configuration. If the object is not accessible by the appserver, we will simply let the 'file not found' error occur. 3375 Internal - Schema Load Workspace Lock If the Load Schema process failed the pre-load checks, the Workspace remains locked. Issues addressed and changes from 10.1B01 to 10.1B02 ---------------------------------------------------- Task# Summary / Detail --------- -------------------------------------------------- 3298 Compile - Compile Parameters Check The routine to check compile parameters is throwing an error when initiated while running via AppServer. 3299 Compile - Filename case conflict on Unix/Linux There appears to be a issue with case-sensitivity when attempting to compile on server when using a Unix appserver: 3300 Internal - Mismatched Parameter Error for Schema A mismatched parameters error during check-out of schema objects. 3302 Compile - Use Full Path Name to Object Source Classes cannot be compiled if relative path is not directly found in Workspace directory. 3304 Xref - Error on OO ACCESS token When a property in a class is accessed via its GET accessor, the XREF output contains an ACCESS token, which is incorrectly being processed by RTB as a database access, resulting in an Xref error. 3306 Task - Incorrect Taskpath Construction If a user enters directories for a workspace that are not subdirectories of the workspace root directory, the Task path for a selected Task can be rendered erroneously. 3307 Task - Allow only absolute paths for task director The Task Maintenance window allows relative paths for taks directory. This is contrary to the documentation, and can cause difficulties with pathing. 3308 Task - Windows UI limits directory to 40 chars The Task Directory FILL-IN on the Task Maintenance window limits input to 40 characters. 3309 Internal - Files Not Moved When Changing Task Dir Changing the task directory of an existing task only moves one file to new directory. The other remain behind in the old directory structure. 3311 Internal - Error (293) on Save As When saving a file via the ADE, upon save of the Roundtable Save As dialog, the following error occurs: ** "rtb/p/rtb_fileXfr.p" was not found. (293) 3312 Schema - Brtb_object not found when opening DB Features Sometimes,when selecting a PDBASE object, and then choosing the 'DB Features' button, the above error is generated. 3316 Compile - Server Compilation Return Value Server compile process should return something besides a blank value to indicate a successful compilation. 3319 Internal - Mismatched Params for Change Subtype A mismatched parameter types error is being generated when calling the 'rtb_change_object_subtype' procedure. 3321 Tabletop - Run Button Not Enabled in Tasks View The 'Run' button is not enabled while in the Tasks view. Some customers find this very annoying. 3322 Tabletop - Enable Task Summary on Property Page Enable the Task Summary page on the properties folder so that Task info can be edited without having to open the maintenance window. Issues addressed and changes from 10.1B to 10.1B01 -------------------------------------------------- Task# Summary / Detail --------- -------------------------------------------------- 3228 Internal - Share-Status Proxy Issues * Attempting to change share-status from Central to Group, the following error is displayed: Error moving '' Is a directory. * Changing from Public to Group does not restore previous version to Workspace. 3229 Internal - WRX Registration Not Fully Removed When the server parses an object to check for WRX registration, the WRX is not 'full' unregistered as the parts-used[10] element is still set to TRUE. 3230 Deployments - Error during partner load from disk When the partner site load is started and the load environment is compared with the dump environment, an ENTRY(2,...) error occurs on the last line in the rtb_env.dat file. The cause of this error is that there is no CR/LF at the end of the rtb_env.dat file. The result is that the last line is not read properly. Instead the second entry of the second last line is reads, and this does not have 2 entries. 3231 Proxy - Permanent compile listings not created When compiling with listings from the RTB plug-in, compile listings are not created if the "list" directory does not yet exist in the workspace module folder. 3236 Security - No security check on variant creation Users without appropriate object privilege(s) (DOC-OBJECTS, PCODE-OBJECTS, PDBASE-OBJECTS, PFIELD-OBJECTS, and PFILE-OBJECTS) can create variants for these. The same privileges should be checked when creating a variant as when creating a new object. 3242 Security - Assign Object Security When testing security for assigning objects, only "IMPORT" access is checked. Comparing against the Unix client, both the "IMPORT" and object type access should be checked (like object delete permission). The offending code is in rtb_s_repo.rtb_assignObject. 3245 Internal - Subtype encrypt firld update The Code Subtype 'encrypt' field can get out of synch with the 'deploy' field when toggling the 'Program' option after changing the 'Deploy' toggle. To reproduce: 1. Create a new subtype with Program = yes and save. 2. Toggle the 'Deploy' option OFF and save. 3. Toggle the 'Program' toggle OFF and save. The 'Deploy' toggle is off, but the 'encrypt' field does not contain a '!'. 3246 Schema - Slow update of committed buffers The "Updating committed buffers" portion of the schema update process is taking an iinordinate amount of time and CPU. 3247 Admin - Parts of assigned Subtypes can be edited Users should NOT be able to change properties (except for description) of Assigned subtypes. RTB Win 9.1D and later erroneously allows subtype part properties to be changed for assigned subtypes. This will cause errors on edit and assignment of objects if a part definition does not match the actual Workspace or repository contents. Edit of parts of assigned subtypes must be prevented. 3249 Tabletop - Assign Object Search Backport work done in later versions to enable manually typing in an object name in the Assign Object dialog. 3252 Schema - Expand format of field order to 5 digits The OpenEdge Data Dictionary allows input of 5 digits (even though the format of _Field._Order is ">>>9"). The RTB Schema Manager should also allow 5 digits for field order on field assignments. 3254 Internal - WRX File Corrupted When Promoting When promoting/refreshing a 'public' or 'group' share object, any attached WRX file is corrupted on transfer. 3255 Xref - Revise obsolete xref processing We are concatenating RECIDs in rtb_s_xref. A STRING of RECID will trim leading zeroes. So, if the RECIDs are all less than 10,000, 000, for example - although stored in 64-bits - a CSV can hold 3999 values. Even though the size of the list is less than 32,000 bytes (the aforementioned example yields 31,991 bytes), using the default -s value results in error (42). Specifying -s 128 in the session startup resolves the error. It's unlikely that an object will have more than 3000 references, however the sheer number of rtb_xref records in a large repository could have RECIDs with more than 7 digits, reducing the number of RECIDs that can be stored in a CSV. The xref engine should be revised to use a temp-table instead of CSV lists. 3257 Internal - Spaces Not Preserved on File Transfer We have noticed that spaces at the ends of lines are not being preserved when opening a WIP object via the plug-in. I believe this is happening on the server before when the os file is being imported into the transfer temp-table. 3258 Internal - Potentially incorrect version partnames Function 'fnRtbGetObjectVersionParts' needs to be modifed to return the actual parts for a completed version istead of the "likely" parts based upon the current Module and Subtype definitions. 3260 Internal - Failed call to rtb_asconnect.p Upon startup, the object SDO (rtb_u_obj.w) launches rtb_asconnect.p, which resides in the oa-client-4gl module. The rtb_asconnect.p procedure is not included in the server distribution (and reasonably should not be), so the call fails, preventing objects to be fetched via the proxy. 3261 Proxy - Checkout Share Status Schema objects are being checked out with Task's share-status. Schema objects should always be checked out with a share-status of 'Central'. 3262 Internal - Setting the Value of rtb_ver.root-ver The value of rtb_ver.root-ver is not getting set for v1.0.0 objects until check-in time. While this works, I am of the opinion that this should be set when the rtb_ver record is created for that new object. With the current implementation, the client has to check the version of the object to know whether or not to disable the 'store as root' option for the check-in dialog. The server can make this determiniation for the client by setting the value of root-ver properly when the damn record is created. 3263 Security - Workspace Security Checks In addition to being a member of a Task, a user should also have object permissions for the workspace in order to edit the properties of an object of a particular type. 1) Identify and correct object properties updates missing object-type security checks. 2) Rework security check routines to centralize access mnemonics and simplify security checks. Also address 2007-02062017: Although PDBASE connection parameters may be edited at any time (WIP object not required), we should probably not allow users without PDBASE-OBJECTS permission in a configuration to edit the parameters - since they are specifically precluded from modifying PDBASE objects. 3265 Proxy - New Object Properties rtbGetNewObjectProperties only returns properties if the matching Product Module(s) are sourced as PRImary to the passed Workspace. 3266 Admin - Unable to Remove Server Path Override In Workspace Maintenance, unchecking the 'Server Path Override' toggle removes the path visually, but the following error is generated when saving: "The first path entry must be a fully qualified path". 3267 Xref - Include references not correctly evaluating This is happening for the following code (copied and pasted - which explains the extra spaces): {af/sup2/afcheckerr.i &errors-not-zero = YES &no-return = YES} Extract of entry in xref file: D:\pscdynamics\rtbws\093dyn\dev\src\dynamics\af\app\gscddxmlp.p D:\ pscdynamics\rtbws\093dyn\dev\src\dynamics\af\app\gscddxmlp.p 1912 INCLUDE "af/sup2/afcheckerr.i &errors-not-zero = YES &no-return = YES" SEARCH for the file finds the file name correctly. After some investigation, it turns out that if there is a CR at the end of one of the lines in the include reference, then SEARCH('>include-name>' + CR) is not working. Resolving this can easily be done with a TRIM of the include name prior to the SEARCH. 3268 Partner Sites - 'fnRtbWorkspaceScode' not found The following error displays when performing an on-line partner site import using a direct connection to AppServer: User-defined function 'fnRtbWorkspaceScode' invoked dynamically but could not be found (5639) After this has been displayed, it says that partner-site complete. 3269 Schema - Unable to assign single PFILE Unable to assign a single PFILE to a PDBASE object. Selecting more than one PFILE to assign works as expect, but a single PFILE assign returns no data to the viewer. 3270 Partner Sites - AppServer security error Attempting to connect to an AppServer partition that has the "Prompt for userid and passwword" option checked when using the Partner Site Replication tool will fail. First, because the 'rtb_security_prompt' procedure is marked PRIVATE in rtb_funclib.p. Secondly, if the PRIVATE attribute was taken away, the procedure would fail, because it blocks for input and is called from a function (fnRtbConnectAppServer). All affected code need to be modified so that the connection process allows for userid and password. 3271 Tabletop - Can't double-click open in History view Current and previous version Objects cannot be opened for edit/view via double click from the Object Change History view. Steps to reproduce: 1. Select an object in the Modules view. 2. View the change history for the object. 3. Double-click any version in the browse. Nothing happens. :( This is a different behavior that other browsers on the Tabletop. 3273 Assign Object - Group ignored for existing objects The Assign Object window provides a fill-in for Object Group that defaults to the selected Object's current group. This fied is enabled, potentially giving users the impression that an Object's Group can be changed when assigning a version of the Object - however the Object's Group remians unchanged. The Object Group value is only used when assigning an Object not already assigned to the Workspace. The server-side code should be changed to allow the entry of a Group whether assigning a new Object or a version of an existing Object. 3274 Compile - Capture error line number 1) Add a new column "comp-error-line" to the result-set used by proxy compiles. 2) Capture line number (COMPILER:ERROR-ROW) of compile error and store it in the above column. 3275 Proxy - Fetch Xref/Listing Output Compile records for task directory compiles need to include the XREF token if 'compile with listings' is chosen. Modify rtbGetObjectListFile proxy to ignore the share-status of the object and always return the workspace list/xref file. ** Rebuild proxy jar file to to accomodate sig change in proxy ** 3276 Compile - Add descriptive comments to TT fields 3277 Internal - LONGCHAR Creation Error A customer has reported "Error in file to longchar" (no number on the error) during Task completion. We should at least handle the error a little more elegantly. 3278 License - Update Version Info 3280 Proxy - Fetch DB Connection Parameters The proxy 'rtbGetWorkspaceDbConnections' needs to return tokenized data instead of a connection string. Having tokenized data will allow the plug-in to more easily specify connection parameters (HOST, SERVICE, etc). 3282 Tabletop - Extension of new Objects truncated Attempting to create a new object of a Code Subtype with an extension longer than 8 characters results in the following error: "Cannot create part names as object name '' has a bad extension ''. Object extension must be ''. where is the object name with a truncated extension, is the truncated extension, and is the full-length extension defined for the subtype. Example: Cannot create part names as object name 'ubroker.properti' has a bad extension 'properti'. Object extension must be 'properties'. 3283 Proxy - Pmod wildcard needed for rtbGetVersions.p Allow wildcards for Product Module in rtbGetVersions.p. For the RTB Dynamics integration, we need to be able to search for object verisons where we only know the name and not the product module of the object. It would therefore be useful to be able to enter a wildcard for the version pmod. 3285 Deployments - Error for New File Trigger When making an incremental deployment, the following error is generated for a new table trigger: "Error during update: ** FIND FIRST/LAST failed for table Brtb_filtrig-cur. (565)" 3287 Internal - Compress Fails With Spaces in Temp Dir Compress/Decompress routines fail when temp directory contains spaces 3290 Reports - DB Schema Integrity Check When the database integrity report is run on an AppServer partition, it does not connect from the Workspace databases after the report is finished. Consequently, subsequent runs of the report in another workspace for Workspace databases with the same logical name will be run against the previously connected Workspace database. Also, when attempting to run the report (or any report) via AppServer again without closing the report criteria window, the message "User defined function rtbGetSessionProperty invoked dynamically but could not be found (5639)." is displayed, and no report is generated. Support ------- In North America, please send support requests to support@roundtable-tsms.com and in Europe to support-europe@roundtable-tsms.com. We appreciate your continued use of Roundtable Software. Roundtable Development Team Tugboat Software