March 2007 Roundtable v10.1A02 OpenEdge Version Compatibility ------------------------------ Roundtable 10.1A client will only run with OpenEdge 10.1x software. The Roundtable Repository database must be OpenEdge Database Server v9 or higher. Issues addressed and changes from 10.1A01 to 10.1A02 ---------------------------------------------------- Task# Summary / Detail --------- -------------------------------------------------- 3078 Utilities - Group Checkout Failing for Variants Group Checkout is failing to create variants when more than one object is selected. 3079 Internal - Incorrect buffer name in rtb_s_wscount In rtb_s_wscount.p, the function 'fnRtbSetWorkspaceEventCounter' contains an incorrect buffer name, causing a runtime error if the specified record is locked (rare occurence). 3080 Internal - Logical field Initial Value validation If a field of LOGICAL data type is defined with a specified format, such as "On/Off" or "Paper/Plastic", Roundtable does not allow the user to enter one of the named values as the initial value for the field definition. 3082 Import - Mismatched Parameters via AppServer A mismatched parameters error is generated when building an import table in an AppServer environment. 3083 Tabletop - Error Instantiating Diff Window An error is generated when instanting the Diff window when using large or system fonts as the default font. 3086 Tabletop - Remove Show Geometery Pop-up Menu On the Roundtable login dialog there is a 'show geometery' pop-up menu. It was used for debugging and should be removed. 3087 Internal - Source Not Deleted From Task Dir If you check an object out to a task directory and want to "uncheck" it out (ex: ASSIGN back to the original version), this no longer works properly because the modified source code will remain in your task directory after assigning it back. Deleting and reverting seems to work fine. 3092 Schema - Index field records not deleted w/index When an index is deleted in the Schema Manager, the corresponding rtb_index record is deleted, but its child rtb_idxfld records are left orphaned on the repository database. 3096 Internal - Possible WRX name generation The function 'fnRtbGetObjectWrxName' returns the probable wrx filename for the specified object by replacing the extension of the first object part with "wrx". If the object part has no extension, the returned wrx name is simply "wrx". In the client partition processing of 'rtb_newObject' in rtb_u_obj.w, this name is used to check (using FILE-INFO:FILENAME) for an existing wrx file. If there happens to be a "wrx" folder in the source directory, the object will be created with a non-existent wrx file. 3097 Tabletop - Find Object breaks on stray quote A quote mark entered in the Object field of the Find Object dialog results in ** Unmatched quote found in procedure. (133). 3099 OS - Share Status Issues * When the share status for a WIP object variant is changed from Task to Central, the source for the previous version is not removed from the workspace directory. * When a WIP object variant is deleted that has a non-Central share status, the new variant code is not being removed from the workspace directory. * When the share status for an object is changed from Public to Task, the previous version's source is not being restored to the workspace. 3100 Tabletop - Toolbar sensitivity on browse scroll After the browser of objects updates, the button bar does not update accordingly. 3101 Internal - Custom Variant Product Modules The Product Modules combo-box only shows Product Modules that are sourced as PRImary to the currently selected Workspace. This should be modified to include both PRImary and INCluded sources (like the New Object window). 3102 Internal - Modification of Locked Workspace Workspace properties can be modified even though Workspace is locked. The message "Modification of Locked Workspace is Not Allowed" displays, but modifications are not prevented. 3139 Admin - Error when saving Product Module changes An error may occur when saving information in Admin > Products > Product Modules at a Partner Site. Upon clicking Save after adding a Product Module to a product, an error with the text "Workspace 'NAME' does not exist." (where NAME is the actual workspace name) and title "Data Error" displays. 3142 Internal - No Delete history for WIP variant If a WIP Variant is deleted, no delete event is recorded. 3233 Xref - False external xref generation If a referenced object has no extension and ends in "r" (e.g. "coder", "u105-11r", "isintgr"), the xref engine will falsely identify a RUN reference to such objects as an external object reference. 3238 Security - No security check on variant creation Users without appropriate object privilege(s) (DOC-OBJECTS, PCODE-OBJECTS, PDBASE-OBJECTS, PFIELD-OBJECTS, and PFILE-OBJECTS) can create variants for these. The same privileges should be checked when creating a variant as when creating a new object. 3240 Internal - Incorrect shutdown of Schema helper Creating a deployment shuts down the rtb_s_schema.p procedure. 3241 Compile - Xref fails with spaced in pathname The xref output path is not being quoted when building the compile parameters which results in errors during the compilation process. 3243 Security - Assign Object Security When testing security for assigning objects, only "IMPORT" access is checked. Comparing against the Unix client, both the "IMPORT" and object type access should be checked (like object delete permission). 3244 Admin - Subtype Program toggle removes Deploy flag The subtype program toggle is turning off the deploy flag when it should turn it on and on when it should be off. Visually, it looks ok on the defaults tab folder but the value of 'encrypt' is not getting the properly set with "!" flag. 3247 Admin - Parts of assigned Subtypes can be edited Users should NOT be able to change properties (except for description) of Assigned subtypes. Issues addressed and changes from 10.1A to 10.1A01 ---------------------------------------------------- Task# Summary / Detail --------- -------------------------------------------------- 3005 API - Cannot create variants The code should be corrected to allow creation of variants as documented. 3010 Deployments - UI Issues * You cannot change the release, the path and the schema field in one update - they have to be updated separately. If you have a longish path for the deployment, it gets truncated to the field format when the schema update field is updated. If the path field is updated, the schema update field gets wiped out. * You cannot save changes to the release field using the lookup - it gets reset. So you have to enter it manually. 3015 Partner Sites - Decrease Transaction Size Decrease transaction size of on-line partner data transfers to reduce BI file size and to improve performance. 3018 Utilities - Module Load subtype specification During the initial scan, Module Load will not allow you to assign a subtype whose parts do not match the object being loaded. In prior versions, you could then choose 'properties' and assign it to any subtype you wanted. 3020 Partner Sites - Allow Re-Fetch of Release * Allow several sites with the same site number to download the same release. This is essential for Dynamics users as more than 1 Dynamics installation may have the same RTB site number. * Allow multiple retrievals of the same release. 3021 Reports - Report Improvements * Workspace Differences Report shoud consider Product Module when checking version differences. * Workspace History Report needs more data. * Allow for wider reports. 3022 Schema - Display field extents in schema manager In the logical schema manager, it would be helpful if field extents could be shown. 3023 Tabletop - Select 1st Part by Default When the select Part(s) for edit dialog appears, have the first object selected by default. 3029 Vis Diff - Enable Vis Diff Window Fields Enable Object, Pmod, and Version fields on Vis Diff window to allow user to enter object version specifics without having to locate and select a version from the Tabletop. 3033 Tabletop - Show all Pmods when Save-as When performing a 'save-as' display all available Product Modules as opposed to only those Product Modules assigned to the currently selected Workspace Module. 3038 ADE - Register WRX on Object Save WRX registration was removed from rtb_adelib.p in 10.1A in favor of the check-in registration because the Roundtable plug-in has no means of interacting with AppBuilder. WRX registration needs to be restored for 4GL/ABL client. 3040 Compile - Smart Compiling of Class Files * When a superclass is 'Smart' compiled, all of it's subclasses must also be recompiled. To accomplish this, we will have to add support for the 'INHERITS' token from the xref output and also add this token to the smart compilation routine. * We should make use of the MULTI-COMPILE attribute when performing a Smart Compile. This will ensure that some class files do not get compiled more times than necessary. * When an interface is 'Smart' compiled, all classes that implement (IMPLEMENTS token) that class should be compiled. 3044 Internal - Check Task Directory for Source Check to see if source already exists in task-directory during check-out. 3045 Reports - Update Reports to report OO data * Ensure that all xref reports consider new OO constructs. * Add new report for reporting class details. * Slight memory leak when running reports. 3047 Compile - Class compilations on Task completion During Task completion, if a Task object references a superclass or interface class that has changed since the task object's xref data was last updated, then the task object should be re-compiled. 3049 Deployments - Add classes to selective compile When a deployment includes a superclass or interface change, their respective subclasses and implementation classes should be recomiled at the deployment site. Consequentally, such related objects need to be included in the deployment's selective compile. 3053 Proxy - Object Share Status (Group Errors) "Mismatched parameter types passed to procedure rtb/proxy/p/rtbGetGroupTasks.p. (3230) " on server when changing Share Status to "Group". 3054 Internal - Share Status of Schema Objects Schema objects should only get a share-status of 'Central' regardless of the share-status of the task. 3055 UI - SQL Width not enabled for WIP PFIELD The SQL Width fill-in on the 'Field' tab of the Object Properties window is not enabled (as it should be) when a PFIELD object is WIP in the selected Task. 3056 Compile - Remove debug message from pre-compile A degugging message was unintentionally left in rtb_compilePre.p. Remove it. 3058 Compile - Ensure existence of SAVE INTO path The COMPILE option SAVE INTO requires that the specified SAVE INTO directory exists. 3060 UI - Large Size Display Issues There seem to still be a couple of the viewers that have problems with the Large Size (120 DPI) Windows desktop display. 3061 ADE - File / Open Behavior Have a file checked-out and opened in the Procedure Editor. Choose File->Open & choose that same object from the Tabletop. A message appears saying that the file is in use by your session, then the file gets closed and re-opened in read-only mode. 3062 Tabletop - DOC Objects Always Open 'read-only' DOC Objects are always being opened read-only. ** Also addresses issue 2006-05161617: Choosing VisDiff button while the 'ADE file open' dialog is waiting wreaks a bit of havoc. Disable all menus and buttons that are not related to choosing a view or object while this dialog is active. 3063 Schema - Prevent update of LISTERROR list Users should be prevented from performing an update when the update list has a status of LISTERROR. 3065 Tabletop - Object Xref Formatting Due to a format of "x(30)", referenced objects are being chopped-off in the Xref and WhereUsed views. 3066 ADM2 - Modifications to Ensure Dynamics Compatability Create variants of several ADM2 procedures to ensure compatability with Dynamics 10.1A. 3068 Internal - Error Adding Sequence The following error is generated when adding a sequence to a PDBASE object: "FIND FIRST/LAST failed for table Brtb_dbase" 3069 Internal - Multiple-line Description Handling When fetching long descriptions from tasks and versions, an extra linefeed (CHR(10) ) is appended to the last line. This is especially evident when using the RTB Plug-in, as it can appear as an uprintable character at the end of a version or task description. 3070 Internal - Locking Issues in Event Handler Correct record-locking issues in the event handler. 3071 Internal - Set Default Session Values Initialize all fields in session record when created. 3072 Tabletop - Flashing When Choosing Recent View Remove extra flashing when when choosing a recent view. Correct issue with query not being properly set when choosing a recent view. 3073 Xref - Accomodate new references in OpenEdge 10.1A01 OpenEdge 10.0A SP1 introduced additions and changes to xref listings for class files that must be accomodated in RTB's xref parsing engine: 1) Format of DATA-MEMBER reference has changed. 2) CREATE, DELETE, and SEARCH references were added for data-members. 3) Improperly formatted (missing line number) IMPLICIT INVOKE reference was added. 3075 Deployments - Incomplete 'selcomp' File The 'selcomp' file is not including files referenced by include files. What's New? ----------- Roundtable v10.1A includes all bug fixes from the latest 9.1D07 and 10.0A04 patches. New features & enhancements include: - ADM2 distrubtion has been updated to release 10.0B. - New proxy layer to support the Eclipse plugin client. - Schema Update index limit has been increased to 64 indices. - Product Module filtering has been added to the Import filters. - Object Change History view has been added to the tabletop. - Schema Update window now has a 'Apply as New' option for tables. Support ------- In North America, please send support requests to and in Europe to We appreciate your continued use of Roundtable Software. Roundtable Development Team Tugboat Software